Title: Amazon Shuts Down Operations in Quebec
Title: Amazon Shuts Down Operations in Quebec
Amazon's decision to shut down operations in Quebec, affecting around 1,700 jobs, has sparked controversy. Seven of the company's sites will be closed within the next two months. This move is unexpected, given that Quebec is the sole province in Canada with unionized Amazon workers. The Confederation des syndicats nationaux (CSN) union voiced their displeasure, labeling the closures as part of an anti-union campaign by Amazon.
The CSN union's president, Caroline Senneville, firmly stated that they would respond robustly to the closure, which also infringes on labor laws. Innovation Minister François-Philippe Champagne of Canada expressed his disappointment and frustration with the situation, questioning Amazon's business practices in Canada.
In May, Amazon warehouse workers at one facility in Laval, Quebec, affiliated with the CSN union, voiced concerns over salary and health and safety measures. The unionization gained approval, reflecting worker discontent.
Amazon justified this major shift by returning to a third-party delivery model, relying on local small businesses. This strategy was employed before 2020 and aims to provide even better savings for customers, according to Amazon spokesperson Barbara Agrait.
In an attempt to mitigate the impact on employees, Amazon promises up to 14 weeks of pay and job transition assistance, such as employment placement resources. This package aims to support workers during the transition period.
Although unionization was cited as a factor by some observers, Amazon hints that the decision to close operations is primarily driven by cost-cutting and efficiency goals. The company aims to return to a third-party delivery model, which they believe will save customers money in the long run. However, the union accentuates that the closure is a reaction to its organizing efforts in the region. The Canadian government has also voice its dissatisfaction with Amazon's business practices.
The CSN union's response to the closures includes threatening robust dismissal actions, as they perceive the moves as retaliation against their organizing efforts. The dissatisfaction with Amazon's decision has also extended to Innovation Minister François-Philippe Champagne, who has expressed concerns over potential violations of labor laws during the dismissals.